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No One Is Buying It | Opinion
No one is buying what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic Party are selling these days.
Earlier this week, on the opening night of the demonic confab in Chicago that Democrats call their national convention, the outgoing commander-in-chief explicitly denied that he was “angry at all those people” who said he should “step down” following his catastrophic face plant at the June presidential debate. There is not a single soul who actually believes this. For weeks following the debate, while the corporate media and Democrat elites circled like piranhas, the White House defiantly stood its ground and insisted it wasn’t going anywhere. Biden eventually caved, but it beggars belief that he is not angry at those very Democrats who shivved him in the back and then forced him to read his own political eulogy—a screeching, bitter rant—on national television. No one is buying it, Joe.
On the second night of their satanic summit, Democrats heard from dyed-in-the-wool communist Bernie Sanders. Sanders, who honeymooned in the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War and flew a literal hammer-and-sickle communist flag in his old mayoral office, is a leading kingmaker in today’s Democratic Party. At one point during his speech, Sanders intoned: “I want you all to remember where we were three and a half years ago.” Do Democrats really want to compare the actual track records of Donald Trump and Biden? Before COVID-19 hampered Trump’s final year in office, Russia didn’t invade Ukraine, Hamas didn’t massacre Israelis, the economy didn’t enter a formal recession, inflation didn’t reach a four-decade high, millions of unvetted illegal aliens didn’t flood into the country, and America was a net-exporter of energy. No one is buying this one either, commie.
Later on Tuesday, conventioneers heard from the two supreme titans who truly control today’s radical Democratic Party: Barack and Michelle Obama. Barack and Michelle tried to gin up artificial enthusiasm for Harris by recapturing the good ol’ days 2008-era magic of “hope” and “yes we can!” No sentient human being could plausibly nod along to a comparison between Barack Obama and Harris. Shared far-left politics and general swarthiness aside, the talented orator Obama does not in any way resemble the dimwitted California cackler-in-chief, who is less popular than venereal disease and was only installed as Democrats’ presidential nominee following Uncle Joe’s bloodless coup due to a forced hand and lack of any other viable option.

In his speech, Obama also referenced how tapping his “friend” Biden as his 2008 running mate was one of his “best” decisions. Really, how stupid do they think we are? Obama, although he didn’t have the courage to publicly call for it, was—along with Nancy Pelosi—a leading plotter of Biden’s fateful July coup. Indeed, Biden himself didn’t even stick around for Obama’s harangue; he had already jetted off for sunny California. Harris also skipped town for Milwaukee the night of Obama’s primetime Chicago speech, apparently in order to not risk offending Biden. As Fox News senior White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich reported based on a close source, the “Obamas are still not on the White House good side.” Nor should they be! No one is buying this ridiculous pretense of a grand Democratic Party kumbaya.
Finally, large swaths of the Democrats’ diabolical Windy City conclave were dedicated to celebrating the legacy of Biden, a purported “patriot” and “good man” who put “country above party” by “selflessly” bowing out of the presidential race. This entire narrative is a lie. Biden was not “selfless” or “noble” in gently “bowing out”—he was ruthlessly coup’d by his partisan peers. Democrats, unlike Republicans, believe in nothing so much as they believe in doing whatever it takes to win. There was nothing whatsoever voluntary or selfless about this—just one party doing whatever it felt it had to do to maximize its chances of victory against an opponent it has falsely lambasted as a unique threat to “our democracy.”
As for the notion that Biden is a “good man”—this too is a lie. Indeed, it has been one of the biggest, most frequently repeated lies of my entire life. Biden is not a good man. Let’s ask Mary Ellen Bork whether Biden, who teamed up with Mary Jo Kopechne murderer Ted Kennedy to so brutally savage her late husband Robert’s Supreme Court nomination that “bork” entered the English lexicon as a verb, is a “good man.” We might also ask Clarence Thomas whether Biden, who did more than anyone else to spread Anita Hill’s slanderous lies, is a “good man.” Also: Can any father in America honestly look at Hunter Biden and conclude that Joe was a good father?
If nothing else, no one is buying that.
Josh Hammer is Newsweek senior editor-at-large, host of “The Josh Hammer Show” and “America on Trial with Josh Hammer,” a syndicated columnist, senior counsel for the Article III Project, and a research fellow with the Edmund Burke Foundation. Subscribe here for “The Josh Hammer Report,” a Newsweek newsletter, as well as Josh Hammer’s Subtext text message group. X: @josh_hammer.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
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