
Morning Docket: 10.06.23

Supreme Court and Cherry BlossomsSupreme Court and Cherry Blossoms* Missouri asks Supreme Court to revive law banning local police from enforcing federal gun laws, which is… good? Publicly elected sheriffs shouldn’t be deputized into enforcing federal immigration laws so why should they be enforcing federal gun laws? [CNN]

* Firms adjusting partner compensation to make way for more blockbuster lateral lurings. [ALM Barometer]

* Lumpy Pillow Hater Mike Lindell is losing his whole legal team because they say he hasn’t paid them. [Yahoo]

* SEC goes to court to force Elon Musk to respond to subpoenas in an investigation into potential stock price manipulation occasioned by his filings. [Law360]

* Bigot brigade takes aim at the Naval Academy. [Reuters]

* Delaware chancery tosses dingbat investor suit against Disney claiming the company’s mild disapproval of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” effort harmed shareholders. [Bloomberg Law News]

* Have you considered Arizona State? ChatGPT has, and ASU admissions has thoughts on the generative AI’s essay. []



Morning Docket