
Brandon Johnson Is Leading the Movement for a New Chicago

Brandon Johnson
Courtesy of The News School

On December 19, mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson talked about his platform in front of the community of North Lawndale. He sat down for a community event inside a local barbershop and spoke on his experience of living on the poorer sides of the city of Chicago. He and his family suffer through the hardships of being a working-class family in Chicago. His son and daughters go to public schools, and Johnson himself was a teacher for years before running. At the current moment, he is on the commissioner board of Chicago. He says he believes in the city of Chicago and its people. Johnson has a history of activism which backs these words up quite well. He walks what he speaks and he speaks quite well.

A Family Man 

As stated earlier, Brandon Johnson has a small family living in the poorer parts of Chicago. Brandon himself was a teacher in a Chicago public school which heavily impacted his experience and his perspective on the needs of the people of Chicago. Being a middle child from a family of 10 children, heavily impacted his perspective as well. Johnson knows how it feels to only have the bonds of family. 

This perspective has led him to see all of Chicago as his family. Brandon Johnson lives in the neighborhoods that need the help. He sees the poor infrastructure, the vacant lots, and the abandoned buildings. He feels the needs of the working people of Chicago because he is one of the working people of Chicago. Brandon Johnson seeks to right the wrongs of the previous Lightfoot administration. Johnson professes that in his first year, Chicago will see some real change.


Brandon Johnson is one of the few progressives on the ticket for mayor. He believes in a redistribution of wealth for the citizens of Chicago. He wants the best for the marginalized and underserved people of Chicago. Johnson understands that the forces that keep the marginalized oppressed are structural rather than individual. Mental illness, poverty, violence, and infrastructure are just a handful of the Issues Brandon Johnson is focusing on for this campaign. 

Moreover, there are many issues in the city of Chicago. However, it isn’t just Johnson himself working to fix these issues. Brandon Johnson has the support of many of the marginalized communities in Chicago. Through the collective movement that he and his supporters have built, he intends to get the things the community wants. The communication between Brandon Johnson and his base is strong. He is a strong candidate with a strong grassroots movement. 

Brandon Johnson
Courtesy of The News School


Brandon Johnson is a warm soul, he doesn’t give off career politician vibes. He is one of those activist politicians that have become political officials after years of activist work. The vibes are similar to the famous activist politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. He seems to lean in on the family element of his character.

It makes sense because of his history, however, his politics are truly what should be given more spotlight. There seems to be more than meets the eye with Brandon Johnson’s politics. He has a way of saying things that have deeper, more radical messages hidden in between the sentences. This makes sense because America doesn’t have the best history with its treatment of radical figures. The worst that could happen is imprisonment or being beaten by the police. All in all, it makes sense that he would communicate this way. 

Gen Z

However, the younger generation, also known as Gen Z, has different ideas. Gen Z has shown itself to be one of the most politically aware and politically active generations in recent years. For example, according to Time, ”Voters under the age of 29 broke for Democrats and helped many win in battleground states.” Gen Z is more radical than its predecessors and expects a bit of extra radical energy from political leaders. Singing the same, “I am going to change this city” song isn’t going to cut it.

Fortunately, it seems Brandon Johnson has a bit more fire and will be singing a song of great systemic reform. Ultimately, Brandon Johnson is a solid choice for the mayor of the city of Chicago, if he is who he says he is. Politicians lie all of the time, good thing Brandon Johnson isn’t a politician. He is a teacher, and he is here to teach the world a lesson about how to serve Chicago the right way.

Written by Kenneth Mazerat


Interview: Brandon Johnson December 19, 2022

Block Club Chicago: Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson Is Running For Chicago Mayor: ‘We Are Going To Bring A Revival To This City’

WBEZ: Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson says he is running for Chicago mayor

WTTW News: Mass Shooting ‘Example’ of Failures of Lightfoot’s Administration, Says Challenger Brandon Johnson

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