
Daughter Asks Dad to Help Her With Task, He Takes It to ‘Different’ Level

There is, perhaps, no man more dedicated than a girl dad.

This was evident in a video posted to TikTok by Aaliyah Liaci (@aliaci5), in which she revealed the great lengths her father went to after she asked him to untangle a necklace—which included a headlamp and needle. Liaci, 21, told Newsweek about the moment and why she recorded it, along with how the clip spoke to who her dad is as a person.

“POV [point of view]: Putting your dad on the task to untangle your necklace,” Liaci captioned the video. “Dads are a different [breed].”

Photos from Aaliyah Liaci's TikTok video
Aaliyah Liaci’s dad, wearing a headband torch, untangles her necklace. The video has gained traction online after she put her father to the task, prompting a dedicated effort from him.


Liaci said she had asked her father to untangle the necklace before running out the door for a photoshoot. The video, she added, is representative of how her dad approaches his job, as—well—a dad.

“My dad is the ultimate girl dad,” she said. “He would stop to do anything I ask. From starting my car in the morning, filling my water bottles, to even untangling my necklaces before I rush out the door.”

Liaci said that she and her father are extremely close.

“My dad—and my mom—are my very best friends,” she added. “We are very close to each other. I always joke I’m probably the girl version of him.”

Liaci’s post also took off on Instagram, where it received over 429,000 views. Many in the comments on the platform had reflections about their own parents’ small efforts to help make their days and lives easier.

“My mom used to do this for me. I’d bring her a pile of tangled necklaces and she acted like I’d given her a million dollars,” @jeanknuthpeacock wrote. “She loved doing it. Especially as she got older, and it was hard for her to do much else.”

“But legit, dads are so good at untangling necklace,” @beckybeatle commented. “I think it’s all those years of untangling Christmas lights helping out.”

Beyond the sentimentality, though, many were also quick to offer Liaci’s father some advice for detangling—apparently, his headlamp and needle weren’t going to make the cut.

“Life hack: Baby powder helps untangle!” @juliana.robles9 posted.

“Me with my daughter’s tiny necklace knots,” @amy_champagne_ wrote. “Toothpicks, safety pins and tweezers, I’m a pro at it now.”

“A little bit of baby oil on a plate works well too!” @rebecca_holloway commented.

Liaci’s father’s mission paid off, in the end, proving the true power of the girl dad. Whether making flower crowns or untangling jewelry, her father proved that it is the commitment to the glam that counts.

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